Help MarineMax Lake Ozark Reach Their $50,000 Donation Goal
MarineMax Lake Ozark Raises Money for Wake for Warriors
LAKE OZARK, MO (March 7, 2023) – This summer MarineMax Lake Ozark welcomes Wake for Warriors to Lake of the Ozarks for the third year.
Dale Law, MarineMax Lake Ozark General Manager, comments, “We are excited to once again be hosting Wake for Warriors this summer. This is an incredible organization to work with and we are very hopeful that with help from our amazing community and generous donors that we will be able to raise $50,000 to give back, appreciate, and support U.S. veterans.”
Wake for Warriors' mission is to connect with injured military veterans through the sharing of their passion for wake and water sports. By doing this, they hope to help heal the emotional and psychological wounds of military veterans and their families. To learn more about Wake for Warriors, please visit
Each year over thirty events are held nationwide and provided at no cost to the veterans. With support from the community, MarineMax Lake Ozark hopes to provide “the best weekend ever” for a group of veterans. As a Wake for Warriors host, they will provide all lodging, food, and entertainment for four days and twelve veterans. In addition to covering all expenses for the weekend, their goal is to donate $50,00 to the organization from MarineMax Lake of Ozarks.
To raise money, MarineMax will be raffling off a 1977 Chevrolet K5 Blazer which is being fully restored by MarineMax team member Kenny Abbett who has donated his time and talent to supporting U.S. Veterans. They will also be organizing a 50/50 raffle. Raffle tickets for both fundraisers will be $25 to buy tickets, donate, or to learn more about the event head online
For more information on donating or attending the event please email

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